Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Creative Fibres!

Queste forbici sono meravigliosi!!
The last couple of weeks have flown by whilst I finalise preparations for my work for my upcoming solo exhibition, Fertile Ground.  More about that in my next post....
Today I just wanted to show you a picture of these wonderful little embroidery scissors, forbici, that my friend and fellow textile artist, Sharon Peoples bought for me from her recent trip to Italy. They are beautifully sharp and are a pleasure to use.  They have a ringlock system instead of a screw, so this is supposed to keep them sharper and more accurate than the traditional type of scissors. Thanks Sharon!

My colourful range of tea towels, main picture.
I also wanted to remind all my wonderful clients and customers that Creative Fibre Day is on again at the Bus Depot Markets this Sunday, 12th July. If you go to the link you will see they are promoting my stall on their website, thanks OBDM! Now, for those of you who have listened with dread about the weather forecast for this Sunday (-5°C overnight, rain and 7°C max during the day....) all I can say is...Be Brave! Get out of the House and come on down to the Bus Depot Markets for some Creative Fibre!!

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